


The Quest for the Rusyn Soul

Philadelphia 1992

157 стр., 14.30 Мб.подробнее | подписаться | скачать

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Preface (9)
Introduction: The Rusyns (13)
1. The Development of National Awareness among the Rusyns in the Austrian Empire (21)
2. Russian Interests in the Rusyns in the Austro-Hungarian Empire from 1900 to World War I (35)
3. The Influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Cultural Consciousness of the Rusyns in America (58)
4. Hungarian Cultural and Nationalistic Activity within
the Greek Catholic Church in America, 1900-1907 (87)
5. Conflicts in the Establishment of the Greek Catholic Church in America (103)
Epilogue: The Fruits of Propaganda and Rivalry (119)
Notes (126)
Essay on Sources (143)
Bibliography (146)
Index (152)
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